Friday, February 25, 2011

Healty vegges for a healthy thinking ;)

The expression "You're what you're eating" is based on genuine facts.Everything we eat deposits in our body system and influences our health in a good or a bad way.It's up to us to decide either we eat healthy or we eat randomly whatever we think is good and endure the consequences.Here are some vegges and fruits which will help you to think healthy.

It is known that in order to study you must eat carrots.Not to much because your skin will  become orange,but in proper quantities you may improve your memory and you'll notice some results in your study process.Carrots are recommended in long study periods and when you must think at full capacity.The more you consume it the best your results will be.

This fruit is recommended to people who has to memories long sentences,for examples movie stars or even play actors.If you don't know what to do when you have a presentation or you need to keep a speech, eat some pieces of raw pineapple or drink a pineapple juice.It's tastes delicious and it's very healthy to.

Eat a cabbage salad and your anger and anxiety will soon fade away.This remedy is known for people who become anxious when they're preparing for an exam.The emotions will be calm down if you make a cabbage cure for couple days.

One glass of fresh lemonade in the morning will revigorate your mind and it will make you feel ready to start a new,provocative day.It's also known as "the green light" in your head jam.

At the end of the day,after a hardworking day,when you're feeling exhausted and you have to learn for an exam make yourself an onion salad.It will relax you despite of smelling that you'll get.Not only that you'll relax your mind and you'll feel ready to study but also you'll get a great sleep over the night,and in the morning your mind will be ready for a new challenge.

Combine all this vegges with other healthy food and your healthy mind will improve.Your mind is the product of your eating,don't destroy your thoughts and became the next brilliant mind.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Keep your anger away!

How many times you got angry because someone cutted you off in traffic?How many times you got angry on a colleague who has been speaking all day about her kids or food?

Anger is a natural and normal feeling.It is although indicated to control it and to avoid tensioned situation."Think positive !" says Americans researchers.If you lose your temper in bad situation,not only you'll harm yourself,but also you'll harm the people near to you.

There are some techniques for controlling anger,and are recommended to be practised by people who can't help becoming angry even if it isn't necessary to.

1."Count to ten and take a deep breath".Even it's sounds like a famous line from a movie,it is one of the most used and efficient method in calming down your anger.
It is a good solution in keeping anger away from you and people near to you.

2.Go away from whom you got angry! If you lose eye contact with the pearson who made you feel like that,you'll chillax.

3.Once you calmed down,express your anger.It's unhealthy keeping into.You must talk about reasons and solutions to get anger away.

4.Exercise! Swimming,boxing,tennis are few sports which it will make feel lot better after practising them.Use your anger on something worth it.

5.Think before anger! WHen you're angry you may say untrue things ,ideas that you don't agree,even words that you're not feeling.So don't let angry rule your heart.

6.Search for solutions! Try to find out what or who makes you angry and try to work this out.It is easier to talk about the problems you encounter than to keep feeling angry.

7."It' MY fault".Use first person when you talk about guilt,don't throw guilt on other people.If you accept that you are angry then you're the one to blame.

8."Forgive to be forgiven".Every human being has his own way of behave,don't expect someone be just like you.You just have to accept that difference it's what it makes us special.

9.Keep on joking! Try to make a joke to express something you dislike,but do not offend someone.You don't need to be sarcastic to express your disagrement.

10.Recall and yoga.Reading a good book,listening to music you like are couple of things which will make feel better and forget about anger.Feed your soul with great memories from happy times you spent with people you love.If you can't control you anger with any of those techniques then try yoga.It is know to be te most effective way to control your emotions.

Hope you like it!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eating fast-food silly little ones!

Children brought up with healthy food are more intelligent than those who ,at an early age,consumed fast food and other processed foods. British researchers have discovered that there is a link between nutrition of children up to age 3, and their brain activity.

Children who regularly eat crisps, biscuits, pizza and other processed foods with high fat content, have an intelligence quotient (IQ) lower than those used with pasta, salads and fruits, says "The Daily Telegraph".

The study, conducted by Bristol University shows that a healthy diet is vital in the early years of the young, especially when the brain development occurs by age of 3 years.

Researchers followed the progress of 14,000 children born in 1991 and 1992. Their parents were asked about the types of food and drink they consumed their children when they were aged 3, 4, 7 and 8 ½  years.

Responses were rated on a scale that began at -2, equivalent to the most healthful diet, and ends at 10, for the most unhealthy menu. Then, the teachers at the University of Bristol have measured the level of intelligence of children registered at the age of 8 ½ years.

Customs held
Results showed that a diet based on processed foods, provided for children up to age 3, is associated with a lower IQ, recorded over five years, the menu is whether or not improved in the meantime. Instead, each point on the scale conducted by researchers healthy diet corresponded with an increase in IQ of 1.2 case.

"Eating habits recorded between 4 and 7 years had no impact on the level of intelligence" says the study which took into account many factors, such as parents' social status and maternal education. Research also shows that most children have retained eating habits in early life.

This is the first study to show direct link between the infant and their brain activity.

Chocolate, the new super-food

Chocolate has a much higher level of antioxidants than many fresh fruit juices, shows Hershey research , a U.S. company, . In the study, scientists examined the presence of several antioxidants in the composition of various fresh juices, such as the pomegranate and cranberry, and cocoa powder made from cacao tree seeds and dark chocolate.

The highest concentration of these substances was found in cocoa powder. However,the concentration of antioxidants  found in hot chocolate was small, because of cooking process.
Previous studies have shown that moderate consumption of dark chocolate - about 6.7 grams per day - reduced  almost one third risk  heart disease.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 things that weaken the immune system!

To cope with pathogen attack and other aggressors, the body's natural defense needs a better fortified. However, several factors may weaken the strength of this barrier. Prolonged treatment with antibiotics destroy intestinal micro flora and immune system weakens.

Nature has endowed us with a highly complex defense mechanism that protects us from viruses and bacteria. Skin, saliva, tears and gut micro flora, all are making part of our immune system, but the most defense capability is in the digestive system. Here there are about 100 billion "good" bacteria which forms the intestinal flora . And maintaining the balance at this level is basically the foundation of a healthy immune system, since they prevent harmful bacteria growth. However, our defense system is not unbeatable: his resistance may be weakened by some environmental factors or related to our lifestyle.

Misuse of antibiotics
Latest statistics show that about 70 percent of people wrongly treat colds and flu, taking antibiotics. That's because drugs of this class have no effect on viral infections. In addition, these drugs are administered incorrectly and long term, destroys intestinal micro flora, weakening the immune system. It is therefore advisable to take antibiotics only when really necessary and after seeing a specialist.

Chronic illnesses
Cancer or severe chronic HIV infection significantly weaken body's natural defenses, people facing with multiple complications such as infection. In addition, although rarely, some people have some deficiencies in the composition of the immune system or illness and they're suffering various severe infections after contracting the germs that generally  are not able to get them sick. With an imbalance the body's defense mechanism is confronted with allergic or autoimmune diseases.

Unbalanced nutrition

Deficiency of vitamins (especially A, C and E) and minerals like magnesium, selenium, iron and zinc weakens the immune system. Therefore, experts recommend that people who can not absorb all these nutrients in the diet (especially from the consumption of fruit and vegetables) to follow regular courses of nutritional supplements.



Low temperatures  overwhelm the body's natural defense mechanisms. Thus in winter the immune system is weakened  and appear more infections, such as colds, flu or pneumonia. To help the body to fight pathogens, it is better to make influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.



Daily worries lead to increased synthesis of cortisol (a hormone involved in body's response to stress), which weakens the immune system. Such an effect has lack of sleep, experts say that people who sleep only four hours a night produce only a half of the antibodies needed to protect the body from pathogens. In addition, factors that adversely affect the body's natural defenses include smoking, alcohol and drugs.

It is better to be "trained"

Experts say that although infections affect our health, they have a good side: strengthens the immune system. Thus, when gets in contact with a pathogen, the immune system actually holds the information needed so that a new meeting, quickly and efficiently to produce specific antibodies to remove it. In fact, British researchers have found over time that, for example, a child raised on a farm is less prone to asthma or other allergies than one reared in the city.

Salads, an ideal preparation

The salads are known from very ancient times. It is said that one of the kings of Babylon were first prepared salads and, because he prefer to eat plant foods instead of other contemporaries he was thought to be crazy! The Greeks and Romans served at their rich meals  many kinds of salads. Today, salads are considered indispensable in a  menu and cookbooks tend first place, through their variety and food value.

Below i present you present some tips for a successful salad
- Potato salad Boil whole in skins. If when boiling boil add a few drops of vinegar, potatoes are no longer break the cut.

-Dressing or sauce flavored with herbs (parsley, tarragon, thyme), add when the potatoes are hot!

-Cooked green beans and spinach, drizzle with hot oil.

-Boil pasta to simmer and not too much to avoid becoming sticky.

-Raw cabbage (white) and chop marinate in a sauce of oil, vinegar and mustard, with about 4 hours before being consumed.

-Mushrooms, after being cooked, slice and drizzle with oil and lemon before cool.

-Vegetables are washed in running water and use it to keep in stainless steel or enameled. Green vegetables, boil in hot water.

-Pulses (beans, lentils) boil in cold water, after having previously been kept in cold water for 8-10 hours to soften. Also can put cumin seeds in this water, which are intended to eliminate the gas when we eat beans,

-Endive ... wash only when in use. Exposed to water blacken and become bitter! Red-beet salad is tastier baked in the oven (wrapped in foil) than boiled. Apples, celery and salad dressing should be placed in as they cut, or oxidize!

-Mustard gets a nice taste if you rub a teaspoon of honey, a little pepper and nutmeg.

-Horseradish is added to salads for a better taste, it contains a large amount of vitamins.

Bean Salad
300 grams beans
1 carrot
a small celery root,
50 ml oil
preferably at either cold pressed olive, sunflower or corn salt, pepper, juice from half a lemon and some olive
2 onions,


Boil the beans (soaked by the method shown above) with carrots, parsley, celery and one onion.
After cooking drain all the juice which can be used in other dishes (soups for example).
Place beans in a bowl as it is still hot, add salt, lemon juice, oil and other raw onion sliced preserved.
Garnish with olives and slices of carrot, celery and parsley boiled. Taste and after preference, you can add chopped parsley.

Simply enjoy it ...!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Eggshell, the best source of calcium

Improper diet, reduced intake of dairy products or lack of exposure to the sun makes the body be deprived of the best sources of calcium. Thus hypocalcaemia, signaled by dizziness, lack of concentration or digestive disorders appears.

The level of calcium in the body is usually known by making a simple blood test. But there are few signs, transmitted by our body that it can send us to the doctor.

Hypocalcemia is manifested by digestive disorders (flatulence, violent abdominal colic, , difficulty swallowing), neuropsychological (neuromuscular excitability change: numbness and tingling hands, spontaneous muscle contractions, cramps), but also unjustified feeling short of breath. All these announced us that we suffer from an acute shortage of calcium. Here's how we deal with.

1. Horsetail

This plant contains silicic acid, of which 10-20% in soluble form, which makes it interesting to treat hypocalcemia and in the absence of phosphorus, the lack of knowledge that precedes loss of calcium silicon. Powder obtained by grinding plant can be taken sublingually, one pinch, 3-4 times per day. It can also be used as a decoction (one teaspoon in a cup, boil 15 minutes) from which you drink 2-5 cups per day, depending on the severity of the disease.

2. Wheat, barley, oats.

We use dyes, in doses of 40, 20-40, respectively, 10-15 drops, 3 times per day. The products are both useful and spasmophilia, as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, which includes tea and products with micro nutrients.

3. Steeping of eggshell.

 A classic preparation, easily managed and with very good results obtained from the shells of eggs, lemon juice and honey, by doing the following: in a jar with a screw over the crust resulting from cleaning of 4 boiled eggs ( which were previously removed inner husks), add juice of two medium-sized lemons and leave to soak for 3 days, then filtered with gauze and add equal amounts of honey. Drink 1-3 tablespoons a day before meals and another 3-4 teaspoons a day after meals.

Strengthens bones and teeth
Hypocalcemia blood calcium levels is decreasing  below the 11.9 mg/100 ml, considered as normal. The values are generally higher in men than in women. Calcium is the mineral present in highest quantities in the human body.Contributes with phosphorus to healthy bones and teeth. Together with magnesium is responsible for heart health.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don't make babies after 35 years!

The more the age of parents is advanced, the lower the chances of reproductive and health risks are greater. Women's fertility is declining after the age of 35 years, and studies show that a 40-year-old man needs two years of trying to conceive, even with a younger partner.

A study at the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the United Kingdom indicates that women's risk of having fertility problems is six times higher at the age of 35 years than at the age of 25 years.

Moreover, researchers argue that, as parents get older, the risk of complications at birth is higher, and genetic defects are more common in children. "Women who want to conceive a child between 35 and 44 years are more likely to suffer complications such as ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, spontaneous abortions. And if they get to the term is more often needed for their caesarean operations",explains Professor David Utting, specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Hospital NHS Trust Kingston and coauthor of the study. Also, expert says that such babies may be born prematurely, which exposes them to serious risks.

Fertility decreases after 25 years

The same study also shows that at age 40, a pregnant woman who goes to term is an exception, while most of these women risk losing the fetus. However, European statistics show that the number of women who become mothers at age 40 has tripled. The report of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in England show that men's fertility drops dramatically after age 25 years. Experts estimate that a man of 40 years, it takes two years of trying to conceive a child, when the partner is at the age of maximum fertility. The chances decrease if your partner is close in age.

From a biological perspective, the ideal age to conceive a child is covered for women between 20-35 years. In the men, the ideal age to become a father is in the range 25-35 years. After this age, sperm quality decreases the chances of conception and the risk of genetic defects and disease in future children is high.

Risk of genetic defects given by older fathers

According to a study by the University of Oxford, children with older fathers are more sickly than those with younger fathers. The explanation lies in the fact that with age, young men develop benign testicular tumors, absolutely harmless to the health of men, but producing sperm. This DNA has changed and this translates into genetic disorders in the offspring, and achondroplazia, a type of dwarfism in which the arms and legs of children are smaller body length compared with Noonan syndrome (low height anomalies heart, wide neck, chest, prominent in the upper and lower hollow area).

Also psycho-social context matters

 Ideal biological age does not always overlap with the ideal age to become a psychological parent. In many cases, the decision to have a child is when the couple believes that it has sufficient revenue to enable its growth. "A couple should conceive children when it is prepared, taking into account all factors that count: age, the responsibilities involved in child care and education, how little they could change the lives of the couple", says psychiatrists specializes in couple problems.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Salt and fats, similar risks!

Healthy individuals who eat salty are exposed to the same risks as those who adopt a diet high in fats. In time they may lead not only to hypertension but also to atherosclerosis, heart disease who are at the origin of stroke. This arises from the fact that salty foods to reduce the ability of vessels to dilate properly, according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

In it, Australian experts have analyzed 16 volunteers: eight of them received a tomato soup with low salt content, while the other eight, ten times saltier portions. Using ultrasound, doctors measured the degree of relaxation after placing a pressure on the elbow. Individuals who ate salted showed a degree of dilatation of vessels twice smaller than the other group.

Over time, atherosclerosis appears
"Substances such as salt and fat are limiting the ability of arteries to expand in order to interfere with the functioning of their internal wall" explained the doctor  Emile Mohler, director of the department of vascular medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Thus, normally when the heart pumps blood into arteries, they release nitric oxide, a substance that causes the vessels to relax and thereby receive more blood. Scientists estimate that the salt and fat prevents nitric oxide release. This increases the risk of hypertension. In the long term, they are at risk of atherosclerosis.

Excess salt increases the risk of heart attacks in healthy people.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lose weight!

Yearn after a delicious chocolate, with nuts and raisins or a great cappuccino filling? Well, it's enough to imagine the desire to devour, piece by piece, to eat less. At least, that the authors of a study published in the journal Science. They believe that the imagination can play an important role in rethinking the quantities we're eating daily.

Thinking about the smallest details to the product consumed - the removal of the package or "transportation" from plate to mouth by the way it is chewing and swallowing - will consume less than people who, before they eat it be thinking of something else than food or products other than those intended to delight.

It seems an exercise of imagination rather foolishly, but psychologists and nutritionists involved in the study say that its effectiveness is a very simple explanation. What matters when we prepare to eat a preferred food is the first bite. Not the sixth or the tenth. After two bites occur a kind of boredom - the brain already knows what to do, what to do next and that feeling is to try, so enthusiasm for the stimulus decreases. Moreover, learning the product to be consumed is the "key" with which researchers hope to help people eat less.

"The exercise of imagination can cause similar responses in the brain that gives them a real situation", says psychologist Morewedge Carey, Carnegie Mellon University. When we think of how I perform a certain task to activate the same brain circuitry as when we truly realize that task. Hence, researchers have concluded that it is worth investigating whether the men could learn already, with mind power, with food that is going to consume.

If the premise of the study seem somewhat amusing, the way it was made even more sympathetic. One of the experiments involving more volunteers and a few M&Ms chocolate candies. Members of a group of volunteers were asked to imagine that eating 30 candy coated and threw three in a washing machine. Other group members have imagined that eating three tablets and 30 thrown into a washing machine. Then, members of both groups had to eat from one bowl, one crave sweets. He showed that volunteers who saw in his mind munching 30 M & Ms  ate 50% less than those whose imagination has been put together only three candy. In the latter case, the brain was not feeling induced habit of skill.

After another four types of experiments, the conclusion was clear: "If we think simply on a dish, we'll desire more to eat it. But if we think about how we consume the product, if we develop a detailed mental exercise of actual consumption, the desire to the product will deteriorate",says Morewedge. In other words, think of a portion of crispy fried potato strips with garlic sauce and you will go crazy with lust. Thinking about how you swallow each piece of crispy crunch and  after you dip it into the sauce ,will make you ask for a serving of five pieces instead of eight. And when you're to leave, possibly couple to the plate.

The researchers decided to study the phenomenon more in detail. For example, to ask volunteers to come hungry to the experiments. And studies designed to determine exactly how this process takes effect outside the laboratory imaginative in everyday situations.

Let's imagine this!

5 antibiotics you can get from nature

5 antibiotics from natural pharmacy  , such as garlic, resin "Mumio", propolis, black poplar, horseradish, increase immunity, combat disease and mitigate symptoms of super infection.

The winter months coincide with an increase in cases of infection, and cold weather is one of the contributory factors. An important thing to note: antibiotics have no effect on viruses that cause colds.

Garlic rival penicillin

Many studies have confirmed the effectiveness of garlic in infections in which synthetic antibiotics and antivirals did not give expected results. Research has shown that chemicals contained in the bulb of garlic, including carbohydrates, parotids insulin, organic acids (allicin and garlicina) along with vitamin C and vitamins of group B accounted for more than 20 antiviral and antibacterial substances.

Elixir from Tibet

An anti-infective elixir also based on garlic, is used since ancient times to combat the more than 70 serious diseases. The tincture is prepared from 350 g garlic, 250 grams of pure honey and 250 ml of alcohol at 90 degrees. The cure is kept in the dark ten days, then strain it and keep it three more days under the same conditions. Pour drops in 50 ml of fresh raw milk.

Resin mountains body cleansing

"Mumio" or resin mountains is a natural conditioner remarkable effects on health. Experts say that half of the existing elements in Mendeleev's table is reflected in the composition of the immune system tonic.


Propolis enhance immunity, the most powerful antibiotic made by bees, contains beeswax, vegetable oils, micro elements (copper, manganese, cobalt), flavonoids and pollen. Propolis treats over 60 major diseases, from lung infections, fever and up to periodontitis. Studies indicate that treatment with propolis also lead to the development of natural immunity to pathogens "attack" more frequently in winter.

            Clean airways with black poplar

Black poplar buds  are beneficial for respiratory remedy. At the same time, it acts as a natural antibiotic in diseases of the urinary disinfectant. The tea is prepared from a teaspoon of herb, which is macerated in a cup of water for 12 hours. Indicated dose is two cups per day for two weeks.

Difference: Unlike allopathic antibiotics, natural substances are less aggressive.

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