Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don't make babies after 35 years!

The more the age of parents is advanced, the lower the chances of reproductive and health risks are greater. Women's fertility is declining after the age of 35 years, and studies show that a 40-year-old man needs two years of trying to conceive, even with a younger partner.

A study at the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the United Kingdom indicates that women's risk of having fertility problems is six times higher at the age of 35 years than at the age of 25 years.

Moreover, researchers argue that, as parents get older, the risk of complications at birth is higher, and genetic defects are more common in children. "Women who want to conceive a child between 35 and 44 years are more likely to suffer complications such as ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, spontaneous abortions. And if they get to the term is more often needed for their caesarean operations",explains Professor David Utting, specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Hospital NHS Trust Kingston and coauthor of the study. Also, expert says that such babies may be born prematurely, which exposes them to serious risks.

Fertility decreases after 25 years

The same study also shows that at age 40, a pregnant woman who goes to term is an exception, while most of these women risk losing the fetus. However, European statistics show that the number of women who become mothers at age 40 has tripled. The report of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in England show that men's fertility drops dramatically after age 25 years. Experts estimate that a man of 40 years, it takes two years of trying to conceive a child, when the partner is at the age of maximum fertility. The chances decrease if your partner is close in age.

From a biological perspective, the ideal age to conceive a child is covered for women between 20-35 years. In the men, the ideal age to become a father is in the range 25-35 years. After this age, sperm quality decreases the chances of conception and the risk of genetic defects and disease in future children is high.

Risk of genetic defects given by older fathers

According to a study by the University of Oxford, children with older fathers are more sickly than those with younger fathers. The explanation lies in the fact that with age, young men develop benign testicular tumors, absolutely harmless to the health of men, but producing sperm. This DNA has changed and this translates into genetic disorders in the offspring, and achondroplazia, a type of dwarfism in which the arms and legs of children are smaller body length compared with Noonan syndrome (low height anomalies heart, wide neck, chest, prominent in the upper and lower hollow area).

Also psycho-social context matters

 Ideal biological age does not always overlap with the ideal age to become a psychological parent. In many cases, the decision to have a child is when the couple believes that it has sufficient revenue to enable its growth. "A couple should conceive children when it is prepared, taking into account all factors that count: age, the responsibilities involved in child care and education, how little they could change the lives of the couple", says psychiatrists specializes in couple problems.

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