Vitamins A, C, E, but also zinc and selenium are the most important antioxidants. They help the body fight free radicals and keeps us young and prevent heart disease. Here are the juices in which we find these saviors of the body.
1.Pomegranate juice!
It contains antioxidants mentioned above, as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and sodium. It is very effective in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Not recommended for those suffering from ulcer or gastric acidity.

It contains vitamin B's family which are good for hair and nails, and ascorbic acid, which fights against germs. In addition, grapefruit juice helps memory, fighting breast cancer and maintain skin strength.
3.Mulberry juice!

It is known for its benefits to eye problems, but also in fighting diabetes. It's keeping youth of entire body.
4.Cherry juice!

Contains vitamin A needed teeth, eyes and skin, iron and vitamin C which helps the body fight viruses. It also reduces the risk of developing several types of cancer.
5.The acai fruit juice !

Contains special pigments that prevent aging and help skin. It also contains fatty acids that help the normal activity of the brain and entire nervous system.
6.Cranberry juice!

It helps remove toxins from the body and has diuretic effects. Helps the body adapt to the cold period.

It increases body resistance to flu, removes fatigue, activates brain function and strengthens blood vessels.

Can be used in treating atherosclerosis and help in diseases of liver, bladder and kidney.