Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eating fast-food silly little ones!

Children brought up with healthy food are more intelligent than those who ,at an early age,consumed fast food and other processed foods. British researchers have discovered that there is a link between nutrition of children up to age 3, and their brain activity.

Children who regularly eat crisps, biscuits, pizza and other processed foods with high fat content, have an intelligence quotient (IQ) lower than those used with pasta, salads and fruits, says "The Daily Telegraph".

The study, conducted by Bristol University shows that a healthy diet is vital in the early years of the young, especially when the brain development occurs by age of 3 years.

Researchers followed the progress of 14,000 children born in 1991 and 1992. Their parents were asked about the types of food and drink they consumed their children when they were aged 3, 4, 7 and 8 ½  years.

Responses were rated on a scale that began at -2, equivalent to the most healthful diet, and ends at 10, for the most unhealthy menu. Then, the teachers at the University of Bristol have measured the level of intelligence of children registered at the age of 8 ½ years.

Customs held
Results showed that a diet based on processed foods, provided for children up to age 3, is associated with a lower IQ, recorded over five years, the menu is whether or not improved in the meantime. Instead, each point on the scale conducted by researchers healthy diet corresponded with an increase in IQ of 1.2 case.

"Eating habits recorded between 4 and 7 years had no impact on the level of intelligence" says the study which took into account many factors, such as parents' social status and maternal education. Research also shows that most children have retained eating habits in early life.

This is the first study to show direct link between the infant and their brain activity.

Chocolate, the new super-food

Chocolate has a much higher level of antioxidants than many fresh fruit juices, shows Hershey research , a U.S. company, . In the study, scientists examined the presence of several antioxidants in the composition of various fresh juices, such as the pomegranate and cranberry, and cocoa powder made from cacao tree seeds and dark chocolate.

The highest concentration of these substances was found in cocoa powder. However,the concentration of antioxidants  found in hot chocolate was small, because of cooking process.
Previous studies have shown that moderate consumption of dark chocolate - about 6.7 grams per day - reduced  almost one third risk  heart disease.

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