Friday, March 18, 2011

Women want love and men, sex

The women agree to cohabit with their partners because they regard this as a step towards marriage. Men do it because they want sex regularly. Results of a new study raises questions about cohabitation. Assume dwelling with, the same commitment from both partners and marriage?

About four million Britons are living together without being married. According to newspaper The Daily Mail, they account for 14% of couples, compared to 9% a decade ago, while the marriage rate has fallen by one third in 30 years.

A study published in the Journal of Family Issues shows that men and women agree that many of the benefits of moving in the same house,as spending a longer period of time together and cost sharing. "The idea that dwelling together offer more opportunities for sex, compared to the situation where the two are separate, it was highlighted in our study, more men than women.Men bound much less dwelling with mariage than women
They see moving in the same house as a "test", no specific connection with marriage, to the ladies, who tend to talk about dwelling together as about a short pre-marriage,says Professor Penelope Huang, coordinator of the study. She and her colleagues , researchers at the University of California Hastings in San Francisco, USA, interviewed about 200 people, men and women around the age of 20 years, the reasons for and against moving together.
Women mentioned that love is the strongest reason to live with a partner three times more often than men. They, in turn, mentioned four times more sex than women.


Ask, what is the biggest disadvantage of dwelling together, the women said that this has less legitimacy than marriage. The men were concerned that no longer enjoy the bachelor lifestyle specific.
"For women and men, the degree of commitment to stay together it seems to be different. She would like a marriage and, well, he just want to "rent". Pauline Rennie-Peyton, a psychologist specializing in relationships, says" Living with someone is not necessarily a long term commitment. Women who believe it is a stone foundation for marriage, should ensure at the outset of this."

They see moving together as a "test" without connection to marriage, on the other hand, the ladies,  tend to see it as a short, pre-marriage. Researcher Penelope Huang

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