Monday, March 28, 2011

5 allies for a healthy mind

Stressful lifestyle tired us beyond measure, and the brain feels this most acutely. Therefore, there are small problems with memory and concentration. Here&'s what foods you should enter into the diet to make sure that keep up with every day.

Inevitable as we age, brain is aging too, and this is felt first in the memory. Memory problems may be exacerbated by stress and lifestyle sprawling, high-fat diet bad and insufficient sleep. In these circumstances, it is not surprising that many people complain that they have problems with memory and appeals to all kinds of fireworks (dietary supplements).

According to doctors, memory disturbances must be avoided, especially since they are a risk factor for dementia. And in addition to reading and solve some games (sudoku, crosswords), the best way to keep in shape memory is diet.

1 - Oily fish improves brain activity

British scientists from University College King recommends that people with memory problems to consume at least five times a week, oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna). This type of fish contains omega 3 fatty acids , on the one hand, are present in the composition of gray matter, and on the other hand, helps to restore the connections between neurons. People who do not like fish can supplement your diet with capsules containing fish oil, taken on medical advice.

2 - Green vegetables prevent intellectual decline 

People who eat three daily servings of green leafy vegetables have a 40 percent risk of having low memory problems as they age. This is the conclusion of a study by American scientists at the University Medical Center "Rush" in Chicago. The reason is that green leafy vegetables are an essential source of vitamin E, which plays an important role in preventing cognitive function decline.

3 - Zinc strengthens the  memory 

Zinc deficiency in the body affects the activity of the hippocampus, a brain region involved in the transfer of information in long-term memory and is involved in short-term memory formation. This is the conclusion of a study by American scientists from the Research Center "Grand Forks" of the Department of Agriculture, North Dakota. Zinc is a mineral that is found especially in beans, seafood, mushrooms, peas, and pumpkin in sunflower seeds.

4 - Blueberries protect nerve cell

A study done in 2010 by American scientists at the University of Cincinnati confirmed what he suspected for many years, namely that blueberries improve memory. These fruits contain antioxidants that fight oxidative stress responsible for neurocognitive degeneration. Important sources of antioxidants are raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. Also, as rich in antioxidants are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oranges, pepper, plums and red beets.

5 - Wager on foods rich in vitamin B

Enter your daily diet, B vitamins, because it improves mental functions. Moreover, vitamin B1 is called a "the vitamin of intellectual performance". It is found in yeast, the nuts, oats and rice in paddy. In turn, vitamin B6 is found in eggs, milk, horseradish, radishes, broccoli soybean, parsley, apples, pears and apricots. Sources of vitamin B12, which increases learning capacity, are calf liver and yogurt.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Women want love and men, sex

The women agree to cohabit with their partners because they regard this as a step towards marriage. Men do it because they want sex regularly. Results of a new study raises questions about cohabitation. Assume dwelling with, the same commitment from both partners and marriage?

About four million Britons are living together without being married. According to newspaper The Daily Mail, they account for 14% of couples, compared to 9% a decade ago, while the marriage rate has fallen by one third in 30 years.

A study published in the Journal of Family Issues shows that men and women agree that many of the benefits of moving in the same house,as spending a longer period of time together and cost sharing. "The idea that dwelling together offer more opportunities for sex, compared to the situation where the two are separate, it was highlighted in our study, more men than women.Men bound much less dwelling with mariage than women
They see moving in the same house as a "test", no specific connection with marriage, to the ladies, who tend to talk about dwelling together as about a short pre-marriage,says Professor Penelope Huang, coordinator of the study. She and her colleagues , researchers at the University of California Hastings in San Francisco, USA, interviewed about 200 people, men and women around the age of 20 years, the reasons for and against moving together.
Women mentioned that love is the strongest reason to live with a partner three times more often than men. They, in turn, mentioned four times more sex than women.


Ask, what is the biggest disadvantage of dwelling together, the women said that this has less legitimacy than marriage. The men were concerned that no longer enjoy the bachelor lifestyle specific.
"For women and men, the degree of commitment to stay together it seems to be different. She would like a marriage and, well, he just want to "rent". Pauline Rennie-Peyton, a psychologist specializing in relationships, says" Living with someone is not necessarily a long term commitment. Women who believe it is a stone foundation for marriage, should ensure at the outset of this."

They see moving together as a "test" without connection to marriage, on the other hand, the ladies,  tend to see it as a short, pre-marriage. Researcher Penelope Huang

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Natural remedies for sexual dysfunction

Both women and men may experience sexual dysfunction, which occur at different ages. These problems can be solved with aphrodisiac remedies that have no side effects. Infusions, medicinal wines, volatile oils are among them.

Whether it's impotence, or inability to perform intercourse man, whether there is any kind of problem occurring during sexual intercourse, herbal remedies are an effective solution if you have an organic cause any control or mental.

Rosemary, "the elixir of youth"
In traditional medicine, rosemary is known as the "elixir of youth".Due to its chemical composition, this aromatic herb has aphrodisiac, and improved blood flow to sexual organs. Macerate rosemary makes miracles. Prepare 20 grams of dried leaves, plus a liter of 70 degrees alcohol . The mixture is left to macerate for a week, then strain.Every day, take one teaspoon of this tonic, for a 15 days per month. Added into a glass of red wine, the same dose is rapidly aphrodisiac.

Vanilla flavor stimulates desire
Besides his sweetness, natural vanilla has other qualities: the central nervous system and  combats sexual dysfunction. Cocktails pure vanilla preparations proved to be an unbeatable aphrodisiac. For their preparation the following ingredients are used: an infusion of hibiscus (plant obtained from two spoons and a cup of boiling water, let it infuse for 15 minutes), two bars of ground vanilla, one cup of chocolate and a teaspoon of honey.Infusion, chocolate and vanilla, mix well and allow to boil at low heat for five minutes. Finally, add honey and drink it hot , three or four times a week.

Dill, the female ally
Experts says that dill is considered to be the female ally and that's a good remedy to relieve the state in an impressive number of diseases. Thus, fennel seed is a proven aphrodisiac for both women and men. Cure contains active substances, following the digestion process becomes estrogen hormones, beneficial to women. It also can alleviate chronic frigidity consuming anise seed powder obtained by grinding their coffee grinder.In this case, a course with three teaspoons per day, administered 15 minutes before main meals, takes effect after the first five-six days. Green dill seeds and all, as a spice added to salads raw, combat sexual dysfunction in both sexes. Dill therapy is helpful even when you eat a teaspoon of leaves, four times a day, for three months.

Monday, March 7, 2011

People vs animals :Smell

Thought our skin smells nicer than animal skin? Well, not quite so. According to researchers at the University of Wageningen, Netherlands, people odors is stronger than  animals,even than birds.

They compared the skin secretions of various species and found that human skin emits much more volatile compounds than the skin of other mammals, including that of primates.

Our sweat contains, besides water and salt, and protein, amino acids, urea, ammonia and lactic acid. And they give a distinct smell. In addition, at the age of puberty, our sweat glands are colonized by bacteria that contribute to each odor. This is why adults have a stronger smell than babies. Also, experts say that men sweat more than women only in terms of quantity of water, not volatile compounds.

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